Activity 2 czech republic

Erasmus+ Project: 2022–2 - TR01 – KA210 – SCH - 000096047


Second activity LTT2 - the Czech Republic
Střední odborné učiliště elektrotechnické, Plzeň Decembre 10. – 15., 2023

SOUE Plzeň, the Czech Republic organised the second activity for all participants - adults and students. Because the Czech school is specialised in the field electrical engineering the meeting focused on different sources of energy used in participating countries, compared them and notices the impact of different sources into the climate.

After official welcome of the headmaster of SOUE Ing. Jaroslav Černý all delegations introduced their teams.

After that there were prepared ice-breaking activities and students were divided into 4 international teams and joined the workshop focused on energy prepared by the Centre of Climate Change from Skopje. Students presented their materials about different sources of energy in their countries – Turkey, Portugal and CR. They could compare the sources and mainly noticed the alternative sources.

During the week participants visited the capital city of the CR Prague and could see historical landmarks like Charles Bridge, the Prague Castle, Staroměstské Square etc.

They also visited the city Plzeň, the castle Loket and the city Karlovy Vary. In this part of the CR wind power stations are used. Participants also enjoyed the visit of technical museum Techmania Science Centre.

The important part of the meeting was team workshop when all 4 teams were preparing the presentations what they have experienced during the whole week in the CR.

All teams presented their work during the last evening. Students learnt working in teams, communicating in teams even in English and practised presenting skills.

The last point of the program was giving the certificates of attendance and all participants had to say goodbye to each other. We all enjoyed the meeting, met new people, got a lot of experiences and knowledge. We all appreciate that thanks to the Erasmus+ programs the events like ours can happen.