- Úvodní stránka
- Partneři
- Projekty a aktivity
- Projekty mezinárodních výměn a stáží
- Erasmus+
- Activity 2 intercultural romania
Activity 2 intercultural romania

LTT meeting Erasmus+
“Different but together”
Liceul Tehnologic "Gheorghe Sincai"Romania February 28 – March 4, 2022
Czech participation

Czech Republic was represented by a delegation of 2 teachers and 5 students.
We started the first day of the activity at Liceul Tehnologic „Gheorghe Șincai” which is the name of Romanian technical school which hosted this activity. First, we were taken into a room where each nation had a table with their name and after delegations´ introduction we started presenting each country traditions.

After presenting our traditions we started playing a game called “Activities”. This game is about guessing a word using hands, voice, or pencil.
During this time the teachers were planted trees – apples in a school yard.

After this game we had a coffee break where we could talk to each other and ask about all sorts of matters. Then we were divided into teams of 4 where each team had 1 participant from every country – the Czech Republic, Romania, Turkey and Greece. The task was to paint a team flag and give names to the teams.

When we finished the flag, we went to do a last activity of the day and that was a treasure hunt. We went around a city Târgu Mureș and did some challenges like solving a riddle or posing as a statue or singing a song. After that we went to an old fortress where the treasure hunt took place. The treasure was the letters that made up the name of this Erasmus + project “Different but together”.

The second day we were in the Salt mine Turda. It used to be a huge mine.

We were split into teams, and we were supposed make a vlog from the Salt mine. There was a billiard, ping pong, Russian wheel and boats on a small lake.

It was amazing and little challenging. Then we went around the whole mine and watched its beauty.

After the vlog, we took a picture together and went out for a very good lunch. We got goulash in bread and a Romanian traditional dessert Papanasi.
Papanasi was delicious.
The third day began with traditional dances in the school. First, we introduced ourselves to each other with the dancing group. After that they played some traditional Romanian folk songs. They started to dance, and we all joined too. It was so fun, amusing, and enjoyable because we also danced Turkish and Greek folk dances, contemporary dances as well.

After the dances we went to paint a wall which had already drawn objects on it.
On the left side there is our planet, in the middle wings and flags of the participating countries with European flag as well. On the right there is the motto of our project “Different but together”.

The last activity that was most relaxing and exciting for the whole day were traditional Romanian, gypsy and contemporary dances in the theatre.

The fourth day started with a short walk to the Palace of Culture which was very impressive, and the arts were breath-taking.

Then all participants went for two-day trip around Romania towards Brašov. One of the places which we visited was a town Sighișoara. It was very beautiful and the guide we got was very sociable. In this city we visited a citadel, a citadel square, and a clock tower.

We started the fifth and last day with the trip to legendary Dracula castle early in the morning.

When we arrived, we went to the entrance of the castle. There were some shops with souvenirs, so we went shopping. Then we went up to the hill towards the famous castle. There we saw a lot of interesting things for hunting vampires and belonging of feudal lords.
We took some final pictures with all participants, and we said goodbye to them because it was the end of this project activity.

Feelings and opinions of Czech students participating in this activity:
I had a lot of fun and enjoyed meeting some new friendly people.
The most I liked were the people who were there with me because they were very likeable and funny.
Only problem I had was that sometimes I couldn't find words in English which I wanted to use so I used translator on my phone. This was very good experience for practising English. Accommodation and food were wonderful. I think Erasmus is one of the best projects in education that students can try, because it helps you make new friends, practice English, and learn about other cultures and I would like to try to go another Erasmus in future.
This activity was one of the best of my experiences. I liked everything. I was abroad for the first time, and I enjoyed it. I think Erasmus+ is good for everyone, and I´m sure I would like to go again!!
Thanks to this project I’ve really practiced my English. I found out new friends. I also discovered new locations, different cultures, tasted different kinds of good food.
Shortly I can say that this project gives a lot of knowledge and experience to young people who need that kind of socialization. I think everyone should experience what we did and hopefully I will be able to take part in another Erasmus activity.
I would rate this whole project 10 points out of 10. I'm glad I was able to participate. I made a lot of new friends, gained knowledge of new cultures and a lot of experiences.
- Student
Pro veřejnost
- Zásady ochrany osobních údajů
- Nabídka kroužků - vzdělávací technické programy pro základní školy
- Nabídka práce pro naše absolventy
- Nabídka ubytování
- Zkoušky z profesních kvalifikací
- Pronájmy místností
- International robotic competition "robo-vehicle plzeň 2020" (robo 2020) as the challenge towards "future autonomous city mobility"
- Svobodný přístup k informacím
- Zaměstnanec
- Elektrotechnický cech plzeňského regionu
Projekty a aktivity
- Učebna automatizace
- Projekt rop jihozápad
Ostatní projekty
- Nadace čez 2018
- Dílna elektroniky vybavená součástkovou základnou smd a odpovídajícím nářadím potřebným pro práci smt
- Vybavení expozice světa fyziky moderními elektronickými stavebnicemi
- Motivace pro technické vzdělávání mládeže plzeňského kraje v roce 2014-2015
- Nadace čez 2014
- Podpora aktivit k technickému vzdělávání 2016
- Podpora talentovaných žáků v plzeňském kraji 2017
- Podpora aktivit k technickému vzdělávání na rok 2019
- Podpora aktivit k technickému vzdělávání 2018 plzeň
Projekty mezinárodních výměn a stáží
- Erasmus+ 2017 cz
- Projektové setkání
- Erasmus+ 2017 en
- Information about the project
- Aktivita 1 severní makedonie
- Activity 3 my cultural turkish heritage
- Activity 1 north macedonia
- Soue v plzni se zúčastnila druhého setkání studentů a učitelů ve španělsku
- Activity 2 intercultural romania
- Aktivita 2 česká republika
- Aktivita 4 české dědictví
- Activity 2 czech republic
- Activity 4 czech heritage
- Škola gminne centrum edukacji w wawrzenczycach, polsko připravila třetí setkání studentů a učitelů
- Aktivita 2 interkulturní rumunsko
- Soue plzeň připravila první setkání studentů a učitelů
- Aktivita 3 portugalsko
- Informace o projektu
- Škola liceul tehnologic “sfantul pantelimon” bucureşti připravila čtvrté setkání studentů a učitelů
- Activity 3 portugal
- Aktivita 3 moje kulturní turecké dědictví
- Transnational project meeting
- My jsme evropa! wir sind europa!
Projekt leonardo da vinci
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2009-vetpro
- Leonardo da vinci 2013
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2009-ivt
- Leonardo da vinci 2013 - obnovitelné zdroje
- Leonardo da vinci 2012
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2008-automatizace budov
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2008-praxe učňů
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2007
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2006
- Leonardo da vinci 2012 - automatizace a ict
- Leonardo da vinci 2011
- Leonardo da vinci 2011 – nižná
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2009 – soš handlová
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2010 učitelé z handlové
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2010 – učitelé
- Projekt leonardo da vinci 2010 – žáci
- Projekt comenius
- Projekty esf
Školící středisko
- Xcomfort (komfortní elektroinstalace budov)
- Ppn (práce pod napětím)
- Dvpp (další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků a veřejnosti)
- Cetris (cementotřískové desky)
- Knauf (školení montérů suchých staveb systému knauf)
- Cisco (cisco akademie při soue plzeň)
- Intel (zapojení informačních technologií ve výuce)
- Ecdl (ecdl certifikát na naší škole)
- Projekty iti
- Eduroamen
- Eduroamcz
- Povinná publicita
- Uchazeč
- Suplování
- Rozpisy ústních zkoušek jednotlivých tříd
- O portálu soue
- 481_soue_benning
- Robo2022
- Activity 3 clean water and sanitation, life below water
- Rozvoj školy v letech 2022-2025
- Slaboproudé dílny
- Aktivita 3 pitná voda a kanalizace, život ve vodě
- Kovovýcvik dílny
- Silnoproudé dílny
- Aktivita 1 mezi mořem a pevninou
- Activity 2 climate action, zero hunger
- Podpora aktivit k technickému vzdělávání na rok 2021
- Distanční vzdělávání ov
- Kovovýcvik
- Zásady cookies (eu)
- Elektrická měření
- Galerie absolventů
- Silnoproud
- Slaboproud
- Úlohy pro distanční vzdělávání - ov
- International robotic competition robo 2021
- Podpora aktivit k technickému vzdělávání na rok 2020
- Project: “different but together“
- Časté dotazy
- Plán školního roku
- Projekt: “odlišní, ale společně“
- Hodnocení žáků za 2. pololetí školního roku 2019/20
- Aktivita 2 klimatická opatření, konec hladu
- Konzultace k maturitním a závěrečným zkouškám
- Report of the learning activity c1 sdg - affordable and clean energy in the czech republic
- Aktivita 1 čistá – cenově dostupná energie soue plzeň 13. – 19. října 2019
- Podpora aktivit k technickému vzdělávání 2017 plzeň
- Vnitřní oznamovací systém
- Project „it´s our world - take care of it“
- Projekt „je to náš svět - starej se o něj“
- Projekt „národní dědictví v evropě – udržujme naše tradice“ (folk heritage around the europe – keep our traditions) 2017 – 2019
- 481_soue_schleich_motoranalyzer
- 481_soue_metrel
- Videoprezentace oborů
- 481_soue_metra_blansko
- Rozpisy ústních závěrečných zkoušek
- 481_soue_megger
- Search images in nextgen galleries
- Activity 1 between sea and land
- 481_soue_lem_norma
- Rozvrh hodin
- Úkoly pro studenty
- 481_soue_illko
- 481_soue_kyoritsu
- 481_soue_elettronicaveneta
- Projekty op vvv
- 481_soue_chauvin_arnoux
- Vzdělávání 4.0 v plzeňském kraji
- Sitemap