Transnational project meeting

Erasmus+StrategicPartnership Project Nr: 2017-1-CZ01-KA219-035417_1

Event host organization: Střední odborné učilištěelektrotechnické, Plzeň
                                        theCzech Republic

Date: April 11 – 14, 2019

There was organised thesecond transnational project meeting by coordinator school from the CzechRepublic, where project coordinators and other teachers from four participatingschools met and discussed all matters around the project according to thefollowing program:

April 11 – arrivals, accommodation

April 12 – 13, transnational meeting:

  • project evaluation
  • project workshops and outputs
  • local activities in participating schools
  • dissemination of the project
  • comparing the educational systems in all participatingschools
  • project budget
  • project participants and impact on schools,participants and regions
  • visiting the Jewish Synagogue in Pilsen with Englishguide
  • visiting the Czech spa Karlovy Vary
  • others.

April 14, departures

We agreed that theproject was going on well with only one big problem (Italian partner left theproject), all project meetings, local activities and workshops were organisedsuccessfully. The coordinator school will prepare the final report and willsend it to all participating schools. It was agreed that local activities,project dissemination and working on project outputs will continue till August31, 2019. We all agreed to keep in touch and cooperate to each other in the future.

Participating schoolsin the project:

Střední odborné učiliště elektrotechnické, Plzeň, the CzechRepublic   

Liceul Technologic "SFANTUL PANTELIMON",Bucharest, Romania

Centro de Enseñanzas Greguerias Sociedad CooperativaAndaluza, San Sebastian, Spain

Gminne Centrum Edukacji w Wawrzenczycach, Poland