Report of the transnational meeting i in the czech republic


Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership Project Nr: 2017-1-CZ01-KA219-035417 Event host organization: Střední odborné učiliště elektrotechnické, Plzeň, the Czech Republic

Report of the transnational meeting I in the Czech Republic

On September 16, 2017 there was organised by coordinators school from the Czech Republic first transnational project meeting where project coordinators from each school and other teachers personally got to know each other, specified and approved the details of the project action plan, divided the responsibilities, discussed all results and outputs.

It was decided to use effective communication and cooperation using modern information and communication technologies e.g. mails, skype, facebook, web sites to teach students and teachers to use all present ways of modern communication for reciprocal knowing each other.

There was discussed all problems concerning with financing this meeting and first learning activity in the Czech Republic. Because of some delays, schools have not received the financial support yet and must finance this from the school money. It means a big problem for all participating schools. The Italian school has not participated because of several reasons – the project coordinator left the school and not the new one has been chosen. But the school has some problems with communication with their national agency.

It was agreed that the first learning activity in the Czech Republic will be from October 15 till October 21.