Project „it´s our world - take care of it“

Erasmus+ KA229 - SchoolExchange Partnerships

Project Nr: 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061106_1

Project „It´s our world - take care of it“
September 2019 – August 2021

The general objective of the project is using modern technology and methodsof students´ and teachers’ teamwork, improving communication abilities inforeign languages – English and partner languages. Participants will be teachers and students (age 15-17), specialists ofcooperating institutions, members of local communities and school authoritiesfrom local school governments.

This project wants to discover the impact of humanactivity on our planet, and show what we can do to ensure a sustainable future.For this project we were inspired by Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable DevelopmentGoals are: